Stage Machinery – interton
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A Batthyány-Strattmann Kastély színpadi hangsugárzója
A Batthyány-Strattmann Kastély fény- és hangsugárzói
A Batthyány-Strattmann Kastély hangvezérlése
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A Pesti Vigadó színpadi hangszórója

Stage Machinery

Stage engineering is a crucial part of theatre technology. It consists of lower and upper engineering as well as fixed, built-in and mobile equipment.

State setting fly system, lighting holders and bridges, personal trap doors, revolving stages, setting lifters and lots of other accessories can be put into this category.

The skill level of the equipment nowadays only depends on financial means, so during construction or reconstruction, the customer can choose from pieces of equipment at various levels and abilities to suit the most for the institution.
