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Listen Technologies

Among the solutions of the American based Listen Technology, we can basically find wireless hearing aids, which help to give and understand information, whether it be a museum tour, an exhibition, a factory visit in a noisy environment, or any other group events where recieving information is essential, but it includes solutions for those with hearing problems.

The devices by Listen Technologies also communicate via radio frequencies (ListenTALK, ListenPortable), infrared (ListenIR), and wifi (ListenEverywhere). The latter one can send audio signals to mobile phones with the help of Listen EVERYWHERE®, so it provides a cost-effective solution that can be installed later into an already existing building.

Listen Technologies provides power and clarity for sounds, which enrich people’s lives with solutions that tackle the challenges derived from noise and distance, and it provides exact and taylored sound for those with hearing problems in any setting or environment.

These solutions – and the people behind them – are motivated by the deep understanding of what it could mean to people that they are not heard and the belief that everybody must be able to communicate with clear sounds.

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